Happy Father’s Day. (This post was originally on Instagram June 18, 2023)

Someone suggested that I share a favorite memory of my Dad for Father's Day. Okay this is a fun and happy one. It is also one of the rare instances that my Dad who was a notoriously private man actually chose to open up to strangers. Here he is on the C54E Skymaster "Spirit of Freedom" at the Shannon Air Museum a couple of years before he passed away. This particular C54 pays tribute to the aircrews who flew supplies during the Berlin Airlift (from June 1948 to May 1949).

At first Dad didn't want to go down and see it. However after much cajoling we drove down. After walking around, and listening to the crew we went on board, and he started looking at the photos and memorabilia from that era. Then slowly he opened up about a chapter of his British Army Service that even I barely knew about. During those dark times of the Cold War my father was based in what was West Germany, and the aircraft flew over his barracks as they were delivering supplies to the starving Berliners. "The Spirit Freedom" flight crew who at first were a little hesitant around Dad soon warmed up, and were suddenly shaking his hand and pepering him with a 100 questions. Dad's reaction which I thought would be mortification at the intrusive questions (remember how I described him) was anything but, HE LOVED IT!!! There he was smiling, answering questions, and chatting away like a kid on an adventure. For Dad it truly was an adventure, and one of the many reasons that I loved him so much. Dad not a day goes by that I don't think of you and Mum. You are missed so very much. Happy Father's Day...
