Digital, film, a fire truck and older kit...


On January 24, 2024 I went for a photo walk at the James S. Long Regional Park in Haymarket Virginia. My camera choices were a 6 megapixel First Generation Canon Digital Rebel, and a Canon Rebel X film Rebel. While the lenses I used were the Tamron 17-50 2.8, Canon EOS 50mm 1.8, and a Tamron 24-70. After driving, and walking around the park for half an hour, I discovered a pair of Prince William County Fire Trucks, and their crews practicing with their high pressure hoses.  After watching for a couple of minutes, I asked if I could snap some shots, and as they didn't mind so out came the kit.



Post shoot thoughts...
Although it was a lot of fun shooting with simpler equipment, rather 
than shooting both cameras at the same time. I shot first with the Digital Rebel (which I later regretted), and then as the battery failed, I switched to the film Rebel X.  Apart from needing a new battery for the Digital Rebel, both cameras and lenses performed flawlessly. 

However as I rediscovered the #Fuji Film Lab that #Walmart uses left a lot to be desired. Notably every print shot with the film Rebel was printed out of focus, and the cd scans were anything but High Resolution (Walmart DOES NOT send back the negatives for C41 processing). Especially troubling was the lack of tonal ranges both in the scans and prints, basically everything appeared flat with almost zero detail in the shadows. The obvious solution to these issues was to use Lightroom, and Photoshop to sharpen the images bring out the shadows and midtones. However you still need image density to work with, which the prints and the scans did not have. In the future if I have the urge, or need to shoot film I will be sending my processing elsewhere.   


James S Long Regional Park

Prince William County Parks & Recreation

Town of Haymarket, Virginia

Canon Rebel X
(Film Camera)

Canon Digital Rebel
(First Generation)

Tamron Lenses
