As I remember 9/11/2001

                       Not my image.

I was in my apartment in Sterling Virginia, my parents had come up from South Carolina to comfort me because Kerstin my girlfriend had returned to Germany.  We heard on #WTOP Radio that a plane had crashed into the World Trade Center, so we turned on the television to Channel 7 #WJLA, there was a live shot of the 1st burning tower, when a few seconds later the 2nd plane hit.

Then we realized this was not a horrible accident, the United States was under direct attack by terrorists!  As I am leaving for work at Penn Camera I heard on the radio the tragic events in Pennsylvania, and of course at the nearby Pentagon.  As I was approaching Tysons Corner I remember thinking the traffic was heavy, but there was a weird calmness about what was happening.  Then just as I passed the Dulles Airport Toll Road on Route 7 all hell broke loose, and dozens of 1st responders passed me heading to the Pentagon just 15 miles away.  At work one of my colleagues found an old TV, and we watched in horror as the Trade Centers collapsed killing 1000s of innocent people from all over the world and every walk of life. 

Taken at Leesburg Airport (KJYO)
On September 11, 2001

Rather strangely I remember when I got home from work thinking I needed to go for a drive and lose myself in some photography.  I found myself at Leesburg airport with my Yashica FX-D and a Zeiss 50 1.7 lens, with a roll of Black &White film. In retrospect shooting pictures of aircraft, at a closed airport, AND AFTER a terrorist attack that involved aircraft was probably not the brightest thing to do. But nothing bad happened.  I truly was oblivious to anything except my emotions, and the images I was seeing.

There will always be moments in history that we can recall with vivid , painful clarity.  The events of 9/11 will always be one of mine. If you are old enough to remember that tragic day; Where were you, and what do you remember?

These images were taken in 2002 at the
USS Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum.

#WTC #9/11 #NewYork #USSIntrepid #Pentagon
#Penncamera #Leesburg #Virginia #KJYO
